January 04, 2005

Do you wanna get blogged?

Let's get, let's get, let's get, let's get BLOGGED!!!! Wahoo, a new blog! Penguins in New York will feature the the rants, raves and assorted rambling of yours truly. I suppose I will spend most of my time writing on political topics, but I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up commenting a good bit on movies, music, sports and the like. In case you were wondering, the first blog I really read was Frank J's IMAO. Even though I don't agree with him on everything, its the one blog I am sure to visit everyday (actually usually several times a day) to get some funny, and its my inspiration for starting my own blog. As I understand it is good etiquette, polite, friendly, cordial and a wonderful way of sucking up in the hopes of one day getting a link on someone else's blog, I give you my first link ever: http://www.imao.us Anywho, I suppose I should get the rock out of here for now and get back to that whole work thing I am supposed to do during the day. In the immortal word of C. Everett Koop: Peace! I'm outta here.


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