January 31, 2005

Support Iraqi Democracy

Hat Tip: The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, Ace, and The Urban Grind.

In response to ten year old Shelby Dangerfield inking her index finger to show support for the Iraqi people, GOP Bloggers.org is helping out by asking bloggers and their readers to ink their index fingers Monday, January 31 in solidarity with the Iraqis, and to email their photos to editor@gopbloggers.org.

Now, I am not a memer of GOPBLOGGERS, or even the GOP for that matter (or the Democratic party, either), but this goes beyond any silly party identification - freedom and democracy are more important than any political party, so support democracy in an area of the world that has never seen it - give terrorists the Blue Finger!

January 26, 2005

Devin for Pope

Devin for Pope!

Let the campaign begin!

January 04, 2005

Things involving Television & Movie characters from my childhood that if I saw or heard about would probably freak me out

1. Seeing Mr. Rogers being led out of an apartment building in handcuffs, a jacket hastily throw over his head to try to conceal his identity, after the grizzly discovery of 24 dismembered bodies in The Land Of Make-Believe.

2. Hearing that Panthra from Thunder Cats was recently indited for war crimes under Belgium's controversial law.

3. Seeing Wembley and Boober from Fraggle Rock stumbling drunk down 10th Avenue at 3:00 in the morning with a pair of hookers.

4. Seeing any Smurf naked.

5. Meeting Cookie Monster for a drink one evening and having him tell me that he has had a crush on me for the last 19 years but was never brave enough to tell me aboutnhis true feelings.

6. Seeing a video from a 7-Eleven security camera that shows Mickey Mouse brutally beating the store clerk with the butt end of a shotgun.

7. Being told that the tasty burger I had just eaten was not in fact made from beef, but rather from mogwai.

8. Finding out that Snake Eyes was a communist sympathizer.

9. Watching the news as thousands of Bolivians fire guns into the air and cheer the rise of their new dictator, George Jetson.

10. Having a gummy bear gain its super bouncing ability right before I ate it.

How i got my own blog (names have been changed to protect those that have to deal with me on an interpersonal level)

A question:

But seriously folks, this is the way that i asked my sister, via email, about starting my own blog:

I seem to remember either yourself or Joe Bob (or senior taco as I like to call him) mentioning that you have a blog of some sort. If this is true I was wondering how one goes about getting one, as I have a propensity for writing ludicrous, but occasionally insightful things and feel that I could possibly influence some nerd into buying the widescreen edition of braveheart instead of buying the fullscreen version and not getting the whole picture (I'm not sure if that was a pun, but if it was it was intended)...Incidentally I would likely call any such Blog penguins in New York, given my love of penguins, or felonious penguin, given my love of penguin criminals....also, I think it would be cool if someone in a nunnery who really likes bebop music to were to start a blog called Thelonious Nun

Do you wanna get blogged?

Let's get, let's get, let's get, let's get BLOGGED!!!! Wahoo, a new blog! Penguins in New York will feature the the rants, raves and assorted rambling of yours truly. I suppose I will spend most of my time writing on political topics, but I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up commenting a good bit on movies, music, sports and the like. In case you were wondering, the first blog I really read was Frank J's IMAO. Even though I don't agree with him on everything, its the one blog I am sure to visit everyday (actually usually several times a day) to get some funny, and its my inspiration for starting my own blog. As I understand it is good etiquette, polite, friendly, cordial and a wonderful way of sucking up in the hopes of one day getting a link on someone else's blog, I give you my first link ever: http://www.imao.us Anywho, I suppose I should get the rock out of here for now and get back to that whole work thing I am supposed to do during the day. In the immortal word of C. Everett Koop: Peace! I'm outta here.