January 04, 2005

Things involving Television & Movie characters from my childhood that if I saw or heard about would probably freak me out

1. Seeing Mr. Rogers being led out of an apartment building in handcuffs, a jacket hastily throw over his head to try to conceal his identity, after the grizzly discovery of 24 dismembered bodies in The Land Of Make-Believe.

2. Hearing that Panthra from Thunder Cats was recently indited for war crimes under Belgium's controversial law.

3. Seeing Wembley and Boober from Fraggle Rock stumbling drunk down 10th Avenue at 3:00 in the morning with a pair of hookers.

4. Seeing any Smurf naked.

5. Meeting Cookie Monster for a drink one evening and having him tell me that he has had a crush on me for the last 19 years but was never brave enough to tell me aboutnhis true feelings.

6. Seeing a video from a 7-Eleven security camera that shows Mickey Mouse brutally beating the store clerk with the butt end of a shotgun.

7. Being told that the tasty burger I had just eaten was not in fact made from beef, but rather from mogwai.

8. Finding out that Snake Eyes was a communist sympathizer.

9. Watching the news as thousands of Bolivians fire guns into the air and cheer the rise of their new dictator, George Jetson.

10. Having a gummy bear gain its super bouncing ability right before I ate it.


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